- The background images used on this page are not royalty-free. Please use images from your own collection.  
- The page SAMPLE is a "hidden" page that contains sets of elements grouped into "sections": Title + photo, Icons + text, text + icons + video, etc...  
Select the section that best fits the design desired and copy/paste it onto your page (to “paste” in a specific location, right-click and choose Paste). Be sure to take the entirety of the section by selecting its external container (the one containing the background image or color). 
- Important: each "section" must have one, and only one, inner container (element group) for the section content. The outer margins of this sub-container set minimum distances from section boundaries.
- The "Horizontal" button in the "Selection" menu controls the automatic centering of an element. 

- To change the order of elements - i.e. place an element below another in a "relative" positioned container (like most of the content in the sections), use the Element Explorer on the left: green "arrow buttons" will appear when it is possible to change the order. Icons under an element and above the element group allow to put elements onto the same "line" and modify alignment.
- The entire header menu can be modified in its dedicated Layer (e.g. "Base_MenuRetractable"; simply change the page’s Layer to use a different menu). Use this to modify menu links (by copy/pasting existing links), change the colors etc. Note that these elements are pre-programmed to work with one another, so try to avoid “dragging” new ones on that could disrupt the general responsive behavior of the menu (favor using copy & paste).
- For more information, please consult the Wiki:  
Please delete this notice before publishing the final version of your website.

To change the appearance of the page, edit the styles of the corresponding elements (in most cases by using the "Main Frame" Style Zone).  
To change the menu’s links: edit, copy-paste, or delete the Link Elements within. 
To hide an element without deleting it, use its property Visible.
To "activate" displaying of an arrow, use its property "Visible"
Mentions Légales

Conformément aux dispositions de la loi n° 2004-575 du 21 juin 2004 pour la confiance en l’économie numérique, il est précisé aux utilisateur.ices du site slay-event.fr l’identité des différents intervenant·es dans le cadre de sa réalisation et de son suivi. 

HébergeMENT & Site internet
Le site slay-event.fr est hébergé par la société OVH Sarl, SAS au capital de 10 000 000 € – 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix. RCS Roubaix – Tourcoing 424 761 419 00045. Code APE 6202A. N° TVA : FR 22 424 761 419. 

Aucune donnée personnelle n'est enregistrée lorsque vous visitez notre site internet. 

Le site slay-event.fr est édité et géré par les organisateur·ices de l'événement.
Nous contacter

Propriété intellectuelle 
La protection des images utilisées sur le site slay-event.fr ainsi que le logo de l'événement relève de la législation française et internationale sur le droit d’auteur et la propriété intellectuelle. Toute reproduction est donc formellement interdite.